O světě, který tu je i není - o věcech výjimečných i banálních, podivuhodných i trapných, temných i oslnivých, tristních i směšných, paradoxních i logických, stejně tak však i o věcech temně zářících, tragikomických, podivuhodně banálních, výjimečně trapných či zcela logicky paradoxních. A o sobě, který tu je i není stejně tak.

neděle 8. dubna 2018

Vladimír Hirsch - Scripta Soli

Vladimír Hirsch / Scripta Soli 

"Scripta Soli" (“The writings of the earth”) is a thematic album for integrated techniques & field recordings. 2011-2017. The album is based on a fictive experience during apocalyptic war catastrophe, perceived from the position of a person imprisoned in the bunker. In epic form, it consists in descriptions of his feelings, memories, fears, visions and expectation of inevitable in echoes of devastating actions on the surface, as though, all sonically interpretated by the ground. Musical idea and rendition of the figurative opus is carried out as "musique concrète intergrée" by the work with field recordings, electroacoustic and digital techniques through metamorphic musicalization of primarily non-musical elements, typical for the musician, in case of this album as an essential manner. 

1 Indictum
2 Omen
3 Impressiones
4 Exanima
5 Camera delusionis
6 Erebeum
7 Centuria
8 Fuga / Acquiesce
9 Dacryon
10 Amorphes
11 Guttae ultimae
12 Consummatum

Musicians: Vladimír Hirsch - electronic keyboards, synthesizers, samplers, pianos, digital technologies, field recordings, spoken word; Nadya Feir - vocals, Dominika Karčovská - vocals (soprano), production by Tom Saivon. Recorded at CatchArrow Rec ordings studio, Prague, Czechia
CD (© 2017 Old Captain - OCCD33)